Andrea and I climbed a small mountain the other day with a couple other Canadian girls, Anita and Holly from Victoria. It was a great climb up with all the water we had, the wind and the shade up the final ravine to the top and the beautiful view at the summit. Life is still pretty busy here. We've been driving around with Steve and Kathy looking at properties for the Children of Blessing Trust centre. Please pray for wisdom for the board to pick the right property for the project. Specifically, Kathy works with children that have various disabilities, from cerebral palsy, to epilepsy to HIV+ which leads to other illnesses. It is a great project and we believe it will greatly serve the community.
I had a chance to visit a city surveying office yesterday and this morning and have chatted GIS with Mkondo, one of the young men my age there. It's been fun. We're printing off a large aerial photo of Area 25 and 49 of Lilongwe which will display the catchment area of the COBT centre. Just looking at all the options. It's fun to talk shop with a local GIS techie. It makes me feel like a geek and I kind of like it. Andrea says hello and that a post from her will come soon. We miss you all back home and we'll have lots more stories over this next month.