Monday, November 20, 2006

Ode to the Silver Bean Staff

Oh Girls, I miss you so. All the good times making Lattes, making fun of mike gatt, serving sammies, giggling and trying to get weekends off - except lisa that is!
You guys are far more awesome than I can ever describe. Thanks for your committment, hard work and just being super.
I love you all and hope we can hang out soon!
andrea Posted by Picasa

Mel Bee and Benny BOOO!

It may be a bit strange to see the gypsies carving a pumpkin with Jesus face in it...Just goes to show you that Jesus is a friend to all! Posted by Picasa

Lil' lynnie the Sheep

I know she looks like a lost lil lamb but it is actually a dream come true for her! If you can't have sheep just yet, you might as well be one!

Nos tiniamos uma festa no dia do Halloween. Foi bem divertido, todos nossos amigos se vestiram como algo engracado. Posted by Picasa

Quite a Scandal!

Good thing the press wasn't there...I've always wanted to be mother Theresa, and here was my chance - and I didn't even have to give up my husband. Posted by Picasa