Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I just wanted to put this one up here without Andrea knowing. Nos estamos beijando aqui.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Eai Rafa! Estava com saudades de voce cara. I am playing a game with Rafael Cescato here where we try push the other over without falling myself. I rode his motorcycle with him. A conversation went like this. Maico, voce esta tremendo? (Michael, you're shaking).

Aha! Here is the view from our window. Andrea woke up early this morning - the sun rises at 5:30 ish and doesn't set until 8:30ish - and took this picture. The house and room and family are very comfortable. Michael gets his beans and rice that he missed so much and Andrea likes them too.

This is the house that we are staying in here in Brazil... and welcome to the first blog from here in Brazil! We've been here for three days now and all the people are excited to see Michael and his new wife. And we got to see our Mexican friends who lived in the same town as Michael (two states south of here) three years ago. Tchau for now.