Profile # 1 - Michael Patrick Shea

The best way to describe him is Aslan, from the Narnia series... I know that that kind of gives him a Christ-like image - but that is it! He is a very Christ - like Man. He is the leader of the ministry here and is both gentle and ferocious. We approach him with fear because we know that he'll call us on what we say and do, and we have heard him roar! But we also know that he is loving and really cares about us. And that whenever we ask a question we always responds with kindness and wisdom. He is a wise leader and humbly listens to God in all God asks him to do, even when it is really hard or strange.
So here's to Mike, a true Spiritual Father. It is an honor to know him as we know that God is using him to change Brazil.
And Happy Fiftieth Birthday Mike!